Amanda Mallia

Amanda Mallia

Student and Family Support Department - Geo - Sci and Art History Teacher

Hello, my name is Amanda and I have been a teacher for over 30 years. I am British, but have lived in several different countries, settling in Italy in my adult years. I am bilingual in English and Italian, and fluent in French.

During my time as a teacher I have taught several subjects to students of all ages, from Early Years to High School and over, working with several International and Italian schools.

I have a degree in Set Design from the Accademia delle Belle Arti in Rome, which led me to start my career as an Art Teacher. Art led me to History, and History to Geography. Geography is a short step away from Science and.. well: here I am!

As time passed I went on to get a diploma in Health and Wellbeing from the Open London University which allowed me to pursue  other venues, working for many years with the Italian Health Authorities. I also have a Master’s Certificate in Diagnosis and Intervention for children with ADHD  and Oppositional Behaviour in Children and Adolescents, which enabled me to work as a consultant in both private and public institutions both in Italy and in other countries.

Through the years I have participated in many teaching seminars and workshops, and I have had lots of opportunities to put in practice what I have learnt, adding my own personal touch. The result is a mixed method of teaching which always encourages the children to think with their own heads, allowing them to reason and debate on their own (often correct!) conclusions, before adding extra information.

I presently work at Northlands International teaching History, Geography and Science to years 4, 5 and 6; Art History to Year 7; and Drama (a personal passion of mine, which ties in with the original Set Designing studies).

Because of my experience with children in need, I am also part of the school’s Special Needs department, as well as acting as representative for the School/Family communications.